Audio and Video

Finally! The content begins.

2013 was a challenging year for some of the NWB members and NBSI faculty, and the project was forced to be on hold. But we are happy to announce that we are back on track and finally releasing videos from our initial rehearsals over a year ago. This is a clip from our second rehearsal (ever.) We hope you enjoy.


First Sound-bite

Bach/arr. Butterfield - Contrapunctus I, Ending
Northwest Brass

It will be a couple of weeks before I can go through all of our new recordings, but here's an unedited sample from the end of one of our videos.

Bach - Contrapunctus I, arranged for quartet by Sean Butterfield​

Coming in Mid-August!

The Northwest Brass is scheduled to spend four days recording from August 3rd through August 6th. We will be recording all-new arrangements for the group including a Radiohead cover and a video game soundtrack arrangement. Follow our Twitter feed for latest updates and uploads! You can also check out our YouTube channel for extra content.